The Simpsons: Tapped Out Wiki
The Simpsons: Tapped Out Wiki

Left, Right, Left is the main questline of the Rommelwood Academy 2017 Event, released on March 15, 2017.


Quest Requirements Time Reward Triggered By
Left, Right, Left Pt. 1 Make Bad Kids Skip Class
Collect Class Coins (x80)
Rommelwood Academy
Left, Right, Left Pt. 2 Make Lisa Enroll at Rommelwood Academy
Collect Class Coins (x180)
Rommelwood Statue
Left, Right, Left Pt. 3 Make Bart Write an Essay on Cruel and Unusual Punishment
Collect Class Coins (x350)
Rommelwood Barracks
Left, Right, Left Pt. 4 Make Bart Plan the Escape
Collect Class Coins (x420)
Cadet Lisa
Left, Right, Left Pt. 5 Make Lisa Complete Rifle Training
Collect Class Coins (x450)
The Eliminator
Left, Right, Left Pt. 6 Make Martin Serve Double Detention
Collect Class Coins (x480)
Conquer The Eliminator


Left, Right, Left Pt. 1[]


Character Dialogue
Quimby Annoyed Icon I've been told that according to some recent law -- I don't really keep up on my politics -- if we charge for education we also have to offer some compensation.
Quimby Proud Icon So from now on, every child that attends our school will get a Class Coin.
Leopold Icon If you ask me, and no one did, it's time to put down the carrot and pick up the stick.
Quimby Stern Icon No one asked you.
Leopold Sad Icon No one ever asks Leopold. Not to prom, not for this.


Character Dialogue
Homer Surprised Icon A BILL? For school? Next they'll be expecting me to pay for well-researched journalism, Flanders' Noflix password, or ER visits!
Skinner Icon Parents are expected to make up the difference for students who don't collect enough Class Coins to pay for their education.
Homer Annoyed Icon If I'd known I'd have to pay for my kids, I never would've accidentally had them!

Left, Right, Left Pt. 2[]


Character Dialogue
Homer Serious Icon Look at these school prices. Bart, climb into this basket – you're going to the orphanage.
Herman Icon You know, military schools are very inexpensive, since they're subsidized by the Department of Defense.
Homer Happy Icon I see no ominous downside to that!
Bart Scared Icon Come on, Dad, couldn't you just homeschool us?
Homer Serious Icon No! I only know thirty-eight states and I refuse to learn any more! Not for you, not for no man.


Character Dialogue
Chalmers Angry Icon SKINNER! All your students have enrolled in military school? I'm afraid your services at Springfield Elementary are no longer needed.
Skinner Surprised Icon You're firing me? But where will I go? All I have is my years of experience running a school, a military background, and a bitterness toward children.

Left, Right, Left Pt. 3[]


Character Dialogue
Skinner Surprised Icon Atten-HUT!
Bart Surprised Icon Oh man, now Skinner's running THIS school? I can't get rid of this guy -- he's like the herpes of principals.
Skinner Annoyed Icon Tuck in that shirt. Un-tussle that hair. Over-under those laces, mister!
Leopold Surprised Icon Never before have I seen a display of such unbridled uptightness. Skinner, allow me to be your number two: a Göring to your Führer. A Rasputin to your Czar. A Tinkerbell to your Peter Pan.
Skinner Annoyed Icon Please, you'd never survive here. I eat number twos for breakfast.
Bart Rollingeyes Icon The one time I don't have my tape recorder.
Skinner Annoyed Icon That's it, Simpson – I want a five page essay tomorrow on cruel and unusual punishment. Half-spaced!


Character Dialogue
Martin Surprised Icon Don't they understand – I'm a mathlete not an athlete.
Janey Deadpan Icon On the bright side, at least we get out at three p.m. That gives me just enough time to stare comatose at the wall until morning.
Skinner Annoyed Icon Effective immediately, Rommelwood Academy is a boarding school, fully prepared to house you day and night. Your first assignment is to build your dorms.

Left, Right, Left Pt. 4[]


Character Dialogue
Bart Sad Icon This is terrible! We spend all day firing guns and learning to kill. I have no time to play violent video games!
Bart Angry Icon I'm busting out of this joint! Who's with me?
Lisa Worried Icon There must be a diplomatic solution. Surely we can find some common ground.
Skinner Mad Icon All common ground is hereby annexed by Rommelwood Academy.
Lisa Nagging Icon Go get him, Bart.


Character Dialogue
Skinner Mad Icon You think that bed is made? I should be able to bounce a quarter off of it.
Lisa Curious Icon So why don't you?
Skinner Madsad Icon Mother doesn't trust me with small change.

Left, Right, Left Pt. 5[]


Character Dialogue
Bart Angry Icon You guys make decoys to distract Skinner and I'll steal his stash of Class Coins. Then we can take our pick of schools instead of this hellhole.
Bart Sneaky Icon Krusty Off-Shore For-Profit University, here I come.
Nelson Grim Icon I'm sick of having to say 'Sir, Ha-ha, sir', so I'm in.
Dolph Icon Me too. I want to see if my parents even notice if I'm gone.
Bart Curious Icon Well, that one was a little sad. But welcome aboard, non-soldier!


Character Dialogue
Lisa Worried Icon I think my rifle may be a little big. The recoil keeps knocking me down.
Skinner Madhappy Icon Shooting practice and a sit-up! I'm a genius!

Left, Right, Left Pt. 6[]


Character Dialogue
Bart Angry Icon Alright, it's now or never for our plan to get out of here.
Skinner Mad Icon I choose never.
Bart Surprised Icon AHH!
Skinner Madhappy Icon An anonymous source ratted you out. Martin!
Martin Lying Icon I couldn't help it! There isn't a tattle I wouldn't tell.
Skinner Madannoyed Icon ‘Round-the-clock detention for all of you. That goes double for you, Martin. There's no greater crime than turning on your unit.
Skinner Mad Icon But also thank you.


Character Dialogue
Skinner Mad Icon I hope you've all learned your lesson, because there's no easy way out of here.
Homer Icon Well kids, time to go home.
Skinner Madsurprised Icon But I thought you wanted someone to keep your kids in line?
Homer Thoughtful Icon I guess we just missed them too much. Missed the way they took out the garbage and mowed the yard.
Homer Confused Icon Besides, Marge has been tucking in pineapples at night.
Skinner Madsad Icon But I finally had complete power!
Homer Sarcastic Icon Here, you can keep Pineapple Bart.
You've unlocked the "Conquer The Eliminator" animated job for Lisa.
— System Message.
